Guests: Brenda & Sarah Hines w/The Stables Realty Group along with David Hudsbeth w/Murray Main Street Youth Center
Mornings in Murray
Mornings in Murray WNBS
Guests: Brenda & Sarah Hines w/The Stables Realty Group along with David Hudsbeth w/Murray Main Street Youth Center
Guests: Bill Mulligan 2/Jackson Purchase Historical Society, Sandy Linn s/ Public Library and Jessica Faust w/CASA By the Lakes
Debbie Hixon with Family & Consumer Science/Calloway Co Extension and Wayne Shields-Hogue with Playhouse in the Park
Justin Holland with Murray-Calloway Co Weather and Kathleen Holman with students, Ian Dunn, Gavin Duncan and Aries Holskey with the Culinary Arts-Technology Center