Guests: Chris Gilliam from Kenlake Foods, with Maryanne Medwick with West KY Workforce. Donna Cunningham with Donna's Pet Grooming.
Mornings in Murray
Mornings in Murray for 1/31/22
Guests: Chris Gilliam from Kenlake Foods, with Maryanne Medwick with West KY Workforce. Donna Cunningham with Donna's Pet Grooming.
Guests: Savannah Pittman & Weston Tolley w/Calloway Co FFA and Kathleen Holma, Tyler Duncan, Gage Bazzell and Dennis Campbell w/Calloway Co Area Tech Center
Guests: Linda Avery, Calloway County Circuit Court Clerk. Michelle Bundren with the Calloway County Chamber. Author/Actor Sharon Gless
Guests: Alli Robertson CPA and Linda Cherry with Lost But Loved Animal Rescue