Guests: Chris Gilliam from Kenlake Foods, with Maryanne Medwick with West KY Workforce. Donna Cunningham with Donna's Pet Grooming.
Mornings in Murray for 1/31/22
Guests: Chris Gilliam from Kenlake Foods, with Maryanne Medwick with West KY Workforce. Donna Cunningham with Donna's Pet Grooming.
Guests: David Hudsbeth from Murray Main Street Youth Center. Marianne Kehr with Brookdale. Lois Wells, and Bill Cowan from the American Legion.
Calloway Co Sheriff, Nicky Knight, Jason & Houston Billington with The Murray Insurance Agency and David Hudspeth with Murray Main Street Youth Center
Bobby Love CCHS Vice Principal along with Nick Calcamuggio, CCHS band director and Myrna Vazquez with Calloway Co Extension Office