Justin Holland, Murray Calloway Co Weather, Matt Imes, Imes Funeral Home and Mark Kennedy with American Legion
Mornings in Murray
Mornings in Murray 5-8-24
Justin Holland, Murray Calloway Co Weather, Matt Imes, Imes Funeral Home and Mark Kennedy with American Legion
Dave Winer, MSU Athletics, Erin Carrico & Kayla Speis with Murray Visitors Center and Barbara Brittain and Joetta Kelly with the Murray Woman's Club
Today's guests were Jacee McKeel and Cooper Housden with the Calloway County High School Greenhouse; plus Myrna Vazquez with Calloway County Extension and Joy Nolcox with Murray Calloway County Hospital.
Mornings In Murray 10/4/2024
Guests: Dave Winder with Racer Sports
Erin Carrico and Tori Pratt with Murray Visitors Bureau