Guests: Savannah Pittman & Weston Tolley w/Calloway Co FFA and Kathleen Holma, Tyler Duncan, Gage Bazzell and Dennis Campbell w/Calloway Co Area Tech Center
Mornings in Murray
Mornings In Murray 3/31/22
Guests: Savannah Pittman & Weston Tolley w/Calloway Co FFA and Kathleen Holma, Tyler Duncan, Gage Bazzell and Dennis Campbell w/Calloway Co Area Tech Center
Tim Stark & Lean Brewer with The Murray Bank and Pam Ashmore with Friends of LBL
Calloway Co Deputy Clerk, Tom Grantz and Michelle Bundren with the Chamber of Commerce
CCHS Assistant Principal Bobby Love and Myrna Vazquez with Calloway Co Extension-Nutrition