Guests: Savannah Pittman & Weston Tolley w/Calloway Co FFA and Kathleen Holma, Tyler Duncan, Gage Bazzell and Dennis Campbell w/Calloway Co Area Tech Center
Mornings In Murray 3/31/22
Guests: Savannah Pittman & Weston Tolley w/Calloway Co FFA and Kathleen Holma, Tyler Duncan, Gage Bazzell and Dennis Campbell w/Calloway Co Area Tech Center
Dave Winder w/MSU Athletics and Erin Carrico & Kayla Speis w/Murray Convention & Visitors Bureau
Guests: Bill Mulligan with Jackson Purchase Historical Society and Tonia Casey with Needline along with Alberto Villaneuva with the Murray Post Office
John Nix with Blalock Coleman Funeral Home and Donna Cunningham with Donna's Pet Grooming