Guests: Paul McCreray w/United Way along w/Denise O'Shaughnessy, Caitie Easter & Caitlyn Shelton with MSU VITA program. Ryan Buchanan w/Murray VFW and Wendy Imes w/Imes Funeral Home.
Mornings In Murray 3/2/22
Guests: Paul McCreray w/United Way along w/Denise O'Shaughnessy, Caitie Easter & Caitlyn Shelton with MSU VITA program. Ryan Buchanan w/Murray VFW and Wendy Imes w/Imes Funeral Home.
Guests: Calloway County Sheriff, Nicky Knight and David Hudsbeth w/Murray Main Street Youth Center
Guests: Mike Garland with JH Churchill Funeral Home
Debie Danielson: Murray Art Guild
Today's Guests: Paul McCreray with United Way and Jim Taylor with Land Between the Lakes