Anita Peeler with Hickory Woods assisted living. Sandra Duncan-Thurman, and Linda Cherry with Paws-4-A-Cause. Brian Baumgartner from The office
Mornings in Murray
Mornings in Murray 1/3/22
Anita Peeler with Hickory Woods assisted living. Sandra Duncan-Thurman, and Linda Cherry with Paws-4-A-Cause. Brian Baumgartner from The office
Today's guests Sheriff Nicky Knight with the Calloway County Sheriff's Department and David Hudspeth with Murray Main Street Youth Center
Dave Winder & Nico Yanko w/MSU Athletics and Myrna Vazquaez w/Calloway Co Extension Office and Joy Nolcox w/Murray Hospital
Guests: Alli Robertson w/Murray Lions Club and Carrisa Johnson & David Barnes w/Center for Accessible Living