A New Concord man was arrested Friday on several drug and other charges. The Calloway County Sheriff’s Department says 42-year-old Nicholas Poore was found to have an arrest warrant.
He was charged with possession of a weapon by a convicted felon along with possession of marijuana and possession of a controlled substance-methamphetamine and drug parahernalia. He was lodged in the Calloway County Detention Center.
A candidate for Kentucky Attorney General is making history. Pam Stevenson declared her intention to run for AG in the fall and has officially launched her campaign. Stevenson is the first black woman in Kentucky to run for the office.
The Kentucky Council on Post Secondary Education reports the total number of degrees and credentials grew in the 2021-22 school year. According to a news release, 63-thouosand 145 undergraduate degrees were given out in the 2021-22 school year with 17 thousand 260 graduate degrees conferred.
The Kentucky Center for Statistics reports unemployment in Kentucky in December remained at four percent, the same figure that it was in November.
Today is the first day you can file your 2022 tax returns and this year you could get more of a refund in Kentucky taxes. The state income tax rate is set at four and a half percent.
Lower and middle income families are to benefit from the tax cut while upper families will likely pay a little more in taxes. Accountants say as you file your taxes, do them electronically whether your submitting paperwork and or paying dues. This year’s tax deadline is April 18th.